Smart solutions
that will change life and business!

Who we are

At Deep Pearl, with a passion for innovation and deep technical knowledge, we create deep tech solutions that shape the future. Our goal is to provide businesses of various sizes and startups with solutions that not only effectively meet their current needs but also open doors to new, exciting business opportunities.

Artificial Intelligence. The Future is Now.

At Deep Pearl, we believe that artificial intelligence (AI) is not only the future of technology but is already key to development and innovation in every industry. Our passion and advanced knowledge in the field of AI enable us to create intelligent solutions that push the boundaries of what's possible, providing our clients with an unparalleled competitive edge.

Our AI Competencies

Image Recognition and Visual Processing

Leveraging the latest advancements in deep learning, we create systems capable of recognizing images and videos in real-time, opening new possibilities in automation and visual data analysis.

Automated Decision Making and Optimization

Artificial intelligence at Deep Pearl enables the automation of complex decisions and processes, offering solutions that not only increase efficiency but also optimize operations to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Our advanced NLP algorithms allow machines to understand, interpret, and generate human language, revolutionizing the way humans interact with technology.

Advanced Data Analytics

We leverage artificial intelligence to conduct deep data analyses, enabling the detection of patterns, trends, and generating accurate forecasts. Our machine learning algorithms predict business outcomes, optimize resources, and tailor offers to meet the individual needs of our clients.

Our realizations

Vinci Medicine

Machine Learning

System integrating healthcare with AI

Vinci Medicine is an intelligent system for preliminary diagnosis that conducts interviews with patients and optimizes the process from the physician's perspective. Additionally, the solution enables the utilization of personnel resources that are not physically present at the healthcare facility but can provide medical consultations and expertise through telemedicine solutions.


Machine Learning

Automation of queries in the TSL industry

Vinci Rithms is a software designed for the automatic analysis of tender queries using machine learning algorithms. The tool efficiently and automatically conducts in-depth analysis of tender queries received by companies in the transportation industry, as well as extracts parameters for further stages of the processes.


Artificial Intelligence

Platform for personalized golf coaching using AI

Albatros Golf is a digital platform specializing in personalized golf training and injury prevention. With the latest AI technology, system is designed to analyze golfers' swings and provide customized training plans tailored to their specific needs. Say goodbye to guesswork and get ready to watch your game improve.


Artificial Intelligence

Platform to analyze industry trends with artificial intelligence

An innovative analytical platform that enables the identification of key issues and trends in the industry through the analysis of industry discussions. It utilizes advanced text mining techniques and semantic analysis to map concepts and their connections, providing a deep understanding of dynamic market changes. The platform analyzes English-language online sources, such as expert blogs, industry media, and consulting firm publications. It detects new concepts and significant facts, allowing users access to upcoming trends.

Artificial intelligence has the power to transform industries, create new business models, and open endless possibilities for enterprises. Deep Pearl is your partner in exploring this extraordinary future.

Discover how our AI solutions can help your business lead in innovation and transform the way you do business.

Machine Learning Solutions

At Deep Pearl, we harness the power of machine learning to create intelligent systems that learn and adapt, giving our clients a competitive edge. Machine learning is at the heart of our innovations, enabling the creation of advanced solutions that automate processes, optimize operations, and transform data into strategic insights.

Contact us
- We invite you to begin your journey with Deep Pearl and discover how our AI-based solutions can contribute to your success.

Examples of use?

Example areas

Supply Chain Optimization

ML algorithms can predict and analyze market trends, product demand, and potential disruptions in the supply chain. This allows companies to optimize their inventory, production planning, and logistics, reducing costs and increasing customer satisfaction by ensuring timely product delivery.

Human Resources Management

Machine learning can revolutionize recruitment and talent management processes, automating CV scanning, matching candidates to job requirements, and even predicting the success of potential employees within the company. This enables HR departments to focus on the strategic aspects of human resource management, while also increasing the efficiency of recruitment processes.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

ML technologies can analyze customer data from various sources, including social media, service interactions, and purchase history, enabling the creation of detailed customer profiles. This information is used to personalize communication, offers, and to predict future customer needs, thus increasing their satisfaction and loyalty.

Why Deep Pearl?

Experience and Expertise

We have a team of skilled machine learning specialists who keep up with the latest trends and technologies to deliver solutions that are not only effective but also innovative.

Customized Solutions

We understand that every business is unique. That's why we offer solutions tailored to the individual needs and goals of our clients, allowing for the maximum utilization of machine learning potential in their specific context

Transparency and Control

At Deep Pearl, we place a strong emphasis on the transparency of algorithms and give our clients control over data and learning processes. This ensures not only compliance with data protection regulations but also builds trust and security.

Are you ready to discover
what Deep Pearl can do
for your business?

Do you have a project idea? Do you want us to help you leverage the potential of artificial intelligence in your business? Submit your project to us! Our team will contact you to discuss how we can help.

Deep Pearl 2024